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 Captivating and Inspiring

Ramsey Bergeron’s Well-being leadership program has proven to be highly beneficial and effective from both a professional and personal aspect. Black Hills Energy wanted to embark on completing extended leadership training for all of their managers and supervisors in Colorado along with giving each employee personal leadership training which Ramsey was able to provide both. His message was captivating and inspiring as we heard positive feedback from many of our leaders firsthand, while his one-on-one coaching debriefs, which sparked personal awareness, were found to be very dynamic and introspective according to many of our employees. If you or your company are looking to boost your company culture, re-inspire your workforce or simply bring awareness to how you’re presenting yourself on a daily basis at home or in the office then I highly recommend you give Ramsey Bergeron the opportunity to help you check that box and achieve your aspirational goals.


-Floyd Wolf

VP Electric Operations

Black Hills Energy, Colorado

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"A Talk Many of Us Need Right Now"

A genuine individual, Ramsey did an incredible job motivating our team. His message of self-compassion helped many people as evident from the survey responses we received afterward. Your Power is in Your Perspective is a talk many of us need right now. Thanks, Ramsey.


-Carrie L

City of Goodyear, Arizona

Would I Recommend an Interaction With Ramsey as I Have Experienced? Yes

I have been involved in industry and leadership for more than fifty years. I know from experience that the gaining of wisdom and knowledge never ceases.

I have used many methods to continue my pursuit of becoming more, or continually moving from where I am to where I potentially can be in life. In my thinking I do not separate work from my life in considering a work/life balance; because both are about relationships.

I spend a third of my life at work and the relationships there though not as deep as my life relationships are just as important.

The experience I went through with the Energy Leadership Index assessment and Ramsey’s ability to interpret my results definitely pushed my thinking to another level.
I had not experienced a system like this in my journey and I found it very interesting in considering how the personalization of stress was affecting my levels of energy in areas I have not considered before.

As Ramsey led me through the results in a guided fashion I found him asking pertinent questions that I’d not considered and he helped me interpret a deeper understanding of the results from the outside looking in.
I found myself immediately applying this deeper understanding after our session to all aspects of my life. I have changed my routine to incorporate more time for contemplation and consideration of how life affects me and my reaction to these influences.

I am still considering this deeper understanding and will no doubt continue to the next step with Ramsey for a coaching session.
As a result of my own experience, I have introduced Ramsey to several professional colleagues who coordinate professional training activities with which I associate.
In a word, would I recommend interaction with Ramsey as I have experienced? Yes


-David Dunn

Director of Fleet Management & Sustainability

City of Orlando, FL


"I really enjoyed the whole presentation. I have been searching for something and this brought me back to what I should be doing."

Rosann Holmes

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